الخميس، يناير 20، 2011

بين: أنت‏ و إيهاب العزازى‏‏
إيهاب العزازى 20 يناير، الساعة 02:47 صباحاً‏ إضافة رد • إبلاغ
ما رائيكم فى

إطلاق حملة قومية يشارك فيها الشباب بكافة انتماءاته على الإنترنت والفيس بوك تحض على المواطنه وحقوق الإنسان، وأن مصر بلدنا جميعا وأن كلنا مصريون، كما طالب بضرورة الالتحام والاشتباك مع المواقع التى تثير الموضوعات الخاطئة، وكذلك العمل على تبسيط بعض معانب المواطنة والدولة المدنية

من يريد المشاركة فى فعاليات الحملة وان يكون احد قادتها فليرسل لى افكارة وارائة
عبر حسابى على الفيس بوك
Salem Elkotamy‎ 20 يناير، الساعة 08:03 صباحاً‏
حتى أنت ياأبوشخة عايز تعمل زي المخنث عمروخالد،روح إتنصر أحسنلك قبل مانطهر مصر من دنسكم،مصر عربية مسلمة ولو كره الوثنيون
إيهاب العزازى 20 يناير، الساعة 03:57 مساءً‏ إبلاغ
شكرا جزيلا على كلماتكم الرائعة المحترمة التى تدل على شخصية ديمقراطية جدا تحترم الراى والراى الاخر
Salem Elkotamy‎ 20 يناير، الساعة 03:59 مساءً‏
عمرو خالد رئيسا لمصر،فهو احد كهنة السلطان،ومشروع وزير أوقاف على الطريقة الزقزوقية في عصر الوريث،لالفقهه ولكن لتضليله وديماجوجيته،فهو ظاهرة مرضية،كجميع الظواهر المرضية التي طفحت على سطح الحياه العامة في زمن مبارك الوبيل،فهو شأنه شأن عجرم ووهبي وأبوالليف وأبوتريكة وأم أربعة وأربعين،تبنتهم الميديا الصهيونية والصليبوماسونية،لتمييع الإنتماء للرجولة والعروبة والإسلام،لذلك لم نراه يوما يدعو للجهاد الحربي،ضد غزو أو إحتلال،ولم نره إلا في زي أفرنجي من أقيم الماركات،مخنوث الصوت والحركات،لابس لباس الجينزتارة ولباس البحر تارة،ولباس رياضي تارة أخرى،يجالس فتيات المجتمع الراقي،ويلاطفهن،ويراودهن عن أنفسهن،جليس النوادي،كالروتاري والليونز،وماشابهها من أندية سوزان الماسونية وبروتوكلات حكماء كلعون الصهيونية،أثرى من وراء بروبجاندته،وحصل على دكتوراه مضروبة من الإمبريالية الإليزابيثية التي تبنته ورعته وسوقته،فكان كثالثة الآثافي،وممرضات المشافي،يلقبون بملائكة الرحمة،ولكن سلوكهم ليس فوق مستوى الشبهات،فهل يصلح من كانت هذة صفاته،ليكون رئيسا لحي،مابالكم بوطن بحجم مصر،ولم لا وقد إعتلى عرش مصر،إبن العرضحالجي،فجعلنا أضحوكة العصر!!!سالم القطامي

ليست هناك تعليقات:

d, including the content from the blog (https://elkotamy.blogspot.com/) and the context you provided, here’s a detailed overview of the Egyptian activist Salem Elkotamy, also referred to as سالم القطامي (Salem Al-Qatami). Who is Salem Elkotamy? Salem Elkotamy, known in Arabic as سالم القطامي, is an Egyptian political activist and blogger who has been vocal in his opposition to the Egyptian regime under President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. His writings suggest a strong affiliation with the Islamist political movement, particularly supporting the late President Mohamed Morsi, whom he describes as "محقق برنامج النهضة" (the implementer of the Renaissance program) in his article "حاكمك خادمك لا سيدك" (Your Ruler is Your Servant, Not Your Master). This piece, written around 2020 (five years before the current date of March 6, 2025), aligns his activism with the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology, which backed Morsi during his presidency from 2012 to 2013. Elkotamy’s activism appears to have started earlier, with blog posts dating back to 2008, indicating a long history of political engagement. His rhetoric is characterized by a rejection of oppression, a call for revolution, and a deep commitment to Arab and Islamic causes, particularly the Palestinian struggle. Key Positions and Activities Opposition to the Sisi Regime: Elkotamy has consistently criticized Sisi, accusing him of aligning with Zionist interests and suppressing the Islamist movement. He has referred to Sisi in derogatory terms, such as "جحش سيسي" (Sisi’s donkey), and accused him of serving foreign agendas, as seen in posts with hashtags like "#ما_العجب_في_شعب_أسمى_أمانيه_أنه_يأكل_ويشرب_ويزط_وينط". He also suggested that Sisi’s support for Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar is driven by economic interests, a shared military background, and a mutual hostility toward the Islamist movement. Support for Palestine: Elkotamy has expressed strong solidarity with the Palestinian cause, stating, "التهديد الصهيوني للعرب جميعا قائم وداهم" (The Zionist threat to all Arabs is imminent and pressing) and "مستقبل فلسطين لا يجب أن يحدد في واشنطن أو أوروبا" (The future of Palestine should not be determined in Washington or Europe). These statements reflect his rejection of Western intervention in Palestinian affairs and his view of Israel as a central threat to the Arab world. Call for Revolution: His blog features slogans like "ثوروا تصحوا" (Revolt to awaken), encouraging Egyptians to resist oppression. In his article "حاكمك خادمك لا سيدك", he emphasizes principles such as "الحق ينزع ولايُمنح" (Rights are seized, not granted) and "لاتركع لصنم قط ولو قطع رأسك" (Do not bow to an idol, even if it costs you your head), advocating for dignity and resistance against tyranny. Criticism of Western Influence: Elkotamy’s rejection of Western determination of Palestine’s future aligns with a broader anti-imperialist stance, a common theme among Islamist activists who view Western powers as complicit in the oppression of Muslims. Online Presence and Challenges Elkotamy operates primarily through his blog on Blogspot, where he has posted since at least 2008. His writing style is direct, often using colloquial language to connect with a broader audience. However, his online presence has faced setbacks, as some of his associated accounts on platforms like YouTube and Facebook have been suspended or terminated for violating platform policies, likely due to the provocative nature of his content. Personal Life and Location While specific details about Elkotamy’s birthdate or early life are unavailable, a 2016 post on his blog mentions being in Paris, suggesting he may have lived outside Egypt, possibly as part of the Egyptian diaspora opposing Sisi’s regime after the 2013 coup against Morsi. The image you provided, showing a man with two children in what appears to be a European city, could be of Elkotamy, supporting the idea that he spent time abroad, potentially in France. The children are dressed warmly, indicating a cold season, consistent with a European winter. Context Within Egyptian Activism Elkotamy’s activism differs from other notable Egyptian activists like Mahmoud Salem (known as Sandmonkey), who focused on secular, liberal reforms and ran for parliament in 2011 as part of the Free Egyptians party. Unlike Mahmoud Salem, who challenged Salafi leaders legally and sought to reform Egypt through official channels, Elkotamy’s approach is more revolutionary and aligned with Islamist ideals. His lack of widespread recognition compared to figures like Saad Eddin Ibrahim, a prominent human rights activist acquitted of defamation charges in 2003, suggests he operates on a smaller scale, possibly using a pseudonym to avoid direct repercussions. Critical Perspective Elkotamy’s narrative, while rooted in a desire for justice and resistance, reflects a polarized view of Egyptian politics, heavily favoring the Islamist perspective. His criticism of Sisi’s alignment with Haftar and alleged Zionist ties lacks concrete evidence in the public domain, relying instead on ideological assertions common among Muslim Brotherhood supporters. This perspective, while resonant with a segment of the Egyptian opposition, overlooks the complexities of Egypt’s geopolitical strategies, such as securing borders against instability in Libya or balancing relations with Israel for economic and security reasons. His call for revolution, while inspiring, also raises questions about practicality in a context where dissent is heavily suppressed, as seen in the arrests of other activists like those from the Muslim Brotherhood documented in Human Rights Watch reports from 2006. Conclusion Salem Elkotamy is a vocal Egyptian activist whose work centers on opposing the Sisi regime, supporting the Palestinian cause, and advocating for a revolutionary, Islamist-driven change in Egypt. His blog serves as a platform for his ideas, though his influence appears limited compared to more prominent activists. His possible residence in Europe and the challenges faced by his online accounts suggest a life shaped by both exile and digital censorship. If you have a specific aspect of his activism you’d like to explore further, let me know

  d, including the content from the blog ( https://elkotamy.blogspot.com/ ) and the context you provided, here’s a detailed overview of the ...