الجمعة، مايو 01، 2020

APPEL INTERNATIONAL RELATIF A L’AFFAIRE TARIQ RAMADAN  Traduire le message en : Français | Ne jamais traduire à partir de : Anglais Free Tariq Ramadan Jeu 30/04/2020 18:51 Change.org Free Tariq Ramadan shared an update on Libérez Tariq Ramadan/Free Tariq Ramadan Check it out and leave a comment: PETITION UPDATE APPEL INTERNATIONAL RELATIF A L’AFFAIRE TARIQ RAMADAN ***English version below APPEL INTERNATIONAL RELATIF A L’AFFAIRE TARIQ RAMADANAgissez, signez et envoyez un email à la Ministre ! Un Appel international a été envoyé à la Garde des Sceaux, Ministre de la Justice, Mme Nicole Belloubet, concernant « l’affaire Tariq Ramadan ». Près de 150 professeurs d’Université, d’intellectuels et d’activistes de renommée internationale, dont un Prix Nobel de la... Read full update Change.org is proudly funded by people like you, salem. As a public benefit company, we rely on the generosity of ordinary people – rather than government funding or annoying ads. Each contribution we receive means our small team can help petition starters win their campaigns. We believe in the voice of the people – that’s why we built a platform that is a 100% independent and available for everyone to create the change they want to see. Become a Change.org Member today! You signed Free Tariq Ramadan‘s petition, “Libérez Tariq Ramadan/Free Tariq Ramadan”, on Sep 14, 2018 The person (or organization) who started this petition is not affiliated with Change.org. Change.org did not create this petition and is not responsible for the petition content. Click here to stop receiving updates about this petition. Unsubscribe from emails like this Unsubscribe from all Change.org emails Manage your email preferences · Privacy policy We’d love to hear from you! Contact us through our help center. Change.org · 548 Market St #29993, San Francisco, CA 94104-5401, USA

Free Tariq Ramadan <change@e.change.org>
Jeu 30/04/2020 18:51
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Free Tariq Ramadan shared an update on Libérez Tariq Ramadan/Free Tariq Ramadan Check it out and leave a comment:


***English version below
APPEL INTERNATIONAL RELATIF A L’AFFAIRE TARIQ RAMADANAgissez, signez et envoyez un email à la Ministre !
Un Appel international a été envoyé à la Garde des Sceaux, Ministre de la Justice, Mme Nicole Belloubet, concernant « l’affaire Tariq Ramadan ».
Près de 150 professeurs d’Université, d’intellectuels et d’activistes de renommée internationale, dont un Prix Nobel de la...
Read full update

Change.org is proudly funded by people like you, salem.

As a public benefit company, we rely on the generosity of ordinary people – rather than government funding or annoying ads. Each contribution we receive means our small team can help petition starters win their campaigns. We believe in the voice of the people – that’s why we built a platform that is a 100% independent and available for everyone to create the change they want to see.

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