الأربعاء، أكتوبر 16، 2024

#كلب_خوفوعجبت من هؤلاء الذين يستغربون وصول كلب لقمة هرم خوفو ولايستغربون وصول جحش سيسي لقمة عرش مصر!!

 #كلب_خوفوعجبت من هؤلاء الذين يستغربون وصول كلب لقمة هرم خوفو ولايستغربون وصول جحش سيسي لقمة عرش مصر!!بعد أن أثار دهشة الجميع من خلال تصويره فيديو يظهر كلباً يتجول على قمة الهرم الأكبر في مصر، عاد السائح مارشيل موشل بطائرته الشراعية لإنقاذ الكلب، إلا أنه أصيب بدهشة بالغة.

وفي التفاصيل، توجه السائح بالفعل إلى منطقة الأهرامات بالجيزة، واتخذ القرار بالعودة في محاولة لإنقاذ الكلب الذي شاهده في اليوم السابق يسير أعلى قمة الهرم الأكبر.

وبدأ السائح مقطع الفيديو الجديد قائلًا: "أسمى مارشال.. وأنا على وشك التحليق بالطائرة الشراعية فوق الهرم الأكبر بالجيزة".

كما تابع: "أمس عندما كنت أطير، رأيت واحدا من هذه الكلاب الموجودة بالأهرامات قد تسلق كل هذا الارتفاع ليصل لقمة أحد أكبر الأهرامات، وقررت هذا الصباح أن أعود فوق الهرم لأرى ما إذا كان الكلب لا يزال هناك، في محاولة إنقاذه وإعادته للأرض، فدعونا نذهب علنا نجده".

دهشة وذهول.. أين ذهب الكلب؟

وظهر مارشال وهو يحلق بطائرته الشراعية أعلى الأهرامات، لكنه أصيب بالذهول عندما لم يجد الكلب الذي كان يسير على قمة الهرم الأكبر في اليوم السابق.

وأوضح: "بالفعل عدت إلى قمة الهرم في الصباح التالي، في محاولة لإيجاد الكلب الذي كان على قمة الهرم في اليوم السابق، فلم أره هناك في قمة الهرم الأكبر، وأعتقد أنه نزل".

فيما أعرب مارشال عن اندهاشه البالغ: "ليست لدي أي فكرة عن كيفية تسلقه الهرم، الأمر في غاية الجنون".

اختفاء الكلب أثار الجدل مجددا، فلم يجد أحد أي تفسير أين ذهب الكلب وكيف نزل من قمة الهرم، فيما علق البعض الآخر ساخراً أنه كلب بلدي مصري يستطيع فعل أي شىء.

بينما قال آخرون إنه لم يعلم أحداً حتى الآن سر بناء الأهرامات فكيف سيعرفون كيف صعد الكلب وهبط؟

يذكر أنه خلال الساعات القليلة الماضية، انتشر كالنار في الهشيم فيديو يظهر كلباً يتجول على قمة الهرم الأكبر في مصر.

كيف وصل القمة؟

وتساءل نشطاء مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي عن كيفية تمكن الكلب من بلوغ قمة يبلغ ارتفاعها نحو 150 متراً وكم استغرق هذا الأمر من وقت، ومواجهة الرياح القوية، وغرابة اختياره للمكان، حيث من المؤكد أنه لم يتجه للقمة للبحث عن الطعام.

من جانبه، أكد مصدر مسؤول، اليوم الأربعاء، لـ"العربية.نت" و"الحدث.نت" أن المنطقة الأثرية المحيطة بالأهرامات مفتوحة، ومن الطبيعي دخول الكلاب، لكنها -أي الكلاب - وجميعها يجري تعقيمها وتطعيمها بواسطة جمعية الرفق بالحيوان، حرصا على صحة الزوار، مشيرا إلى أن هذه الظاهرة نادرة وغير متكررة وتحدث بسبب طبيعة المنطقة المفتوحة حول الأهرامات.

Soaring over the Pyramids again in search of Egypt’s most famous pup at the top of the pyramids! 

Yesterday, I spotted a dog at the very top of the Great Pyramid Khafre who went viral with people suspecting he might be the physical embodiment of Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of the dead who’s often depicted with the head of a jackal (a fox-like animal that looks just like these local dogs)! 

Today, during the @skyone.egy #paramotor event, I flew back up on my @airitalysrl motor to see if I could catch another glimpse of this “canine god” guarding the afterlife (or just enjoying the best view in Egypt)! Where do you think he went? 

#AnubisPup #PyramidAdventures #Egypt #ppg #paragliding
A dog climbed all the way up the Great Pyramid of Giza! Do you think he lives up there? #pyramids #dogsofinstagram #dogs #ppg @skyone.egy
Paragliding over the Great Pyramids of Giza today was a surreal reminder that no dream is too big. Just as these ancient monuments have stood the test of time, built stone by stone through sheer will, grit, and vision, we too can create lasting legacies when we pursue our dreams relentlessly. We live in an era where the extraordinary is within reach, more than ever before, so why not chase the life of our dreams!? While it may sometimes seem daunting and outside our reach, one day, that reality will feel just as solid and awe-inspiring as these 4,500-year-old pyramids beneath me. 

Thank you @skyone.egy, @tamer_nessim_the_source, and @mohamed_elrayes_100 for making this incredible experience possible! 

#DreamBig #LegacyBuilders #ChaseYourDreams #LiveFully #GizaAdventures #BucketListMoments #Intentionalliving #AncientWonders #AdventureAwaits #LifeWithoutLimits #SeizeTheMoment #Paragliding #InspirationDaily #TravelGoals #CreateYourLegacy #ppg #paragliding #insta360
We did it again @skyone.egy amazing flying over those ancient triangles!!! 🔥🔥❤️🤙🏽 thx @yuset_martori for the motor!
Incredible first day at the @skyone.egy Pyramids PPG event! Before tomorrow’s flights over the pyramids, we warmed up over the Fayoum Oasis—a vast desert with endless landings, smooth wind, and stunning terrain. As the wind picked up, only the @go.flare.global Moustache wings were still in the sky, the perfect wing for wind, flying solo on my 18m next to @michamagic on my moustache 22, both flying @airitalysrl motors. There’s something timeless about these moments desert flight moments, where it’s just you, the motor, and an endless horizon. #ppg #paragliding
There’s something transformative about soaring over a sea of golden fall leaves, where the vibrant colors blanket the mountains like a canvas of fire. Speed flying through this world is a reminder that the best views are often found when you push past your comfort zone, embracing the wild, untamed beauty of the power of nature —a reminder that life, like these autumn leaves, is as beautiful as it is brief and best experienced with eyes wide open and a heart full of wonder.

Wing: @go.flare.global M15
Goggles: @zealoptics Portal

#paragliding #parapente #paraglider #paraglidinglife #fly #paraglidinglove #adventure #flying #gopro #nature #parapentes #goparagliding #skydive #sunset #pilot #weloveparagliding #sport #paramotoring #parachute #photooftheday #soaring #landscape
#tbt to one of the most surreal mornings at Burning Man, flying over the iconic @robotheartfoundation sunrise set. This year, I finally made that dream a reality. Seeing Black Rock City from above as the sun crept over the horizon was a feeling I’ll never forget. Huge thanks to @the_domi_lama for capturing this moment. 

@airitalysrl @go.flare.global 
#burningman #burningman2024 #ppg #flying #blackrockcity #brc #sunrise
A little more from the epic experience of mountain biking the Whole Enchilada in Moab. Starting high up in the La Sal Mountains, you descend through alpine forests, sweep through open plains, and end up surrounded by the iconic red rocks Moab is known for. It’s 27 miles of changing landscapes, fast descents, and technical challenges that’ll test your skills. If you’re after a ride that’s as epic as it is diverse, this is it. 

#moab #moabutah #thewholeenchilada #wholeenchilada #mountainbike #mountainbiking
The Whole Enchilada in Moab… an absolute beast of a trail! From alpine views to desert drops, this one throws everything at you, and I loved every second of it. It’s the kind of ride that keeps you on your toes and makes you grateful for every pedal stroke. Having @pierpaolo.coppola.16 along for the journey made it even better. If you’re up for a true adventure, put this one on your list. You won't regret it! 

#thewholeenchilada #wholeenchilada #moutainbike #moutainbiker #mountainbiking #moab #moabutah
Such a pleasure to sync up with @matt.bansak.photography for some Tahoe kiting and flying adventures the week after burning man! After a great afternoon of kiting Washoe lake, the winds got light and the sunset colors were just too perfect to resist an evening #ppg flight on the @airitalysrl EPG-21. Without even realizing it, Matt launched his drone and caught these incredible shots, turning an average evening flight into this beautiful edit. For me, this was a pretty low key easy flight which I didn’t consider noteworthy enough to film. But that’s the magic of what Matt captured; the raw beauty of a casual evening when flying becomes a normal part of life. 

#paragliding #parapente #paraglider #paraglidinglife #fly #paraglidinglove #adventure #flying #gopro #nature #parapentes #goparagliding #skydive #sunset #pilot #weloveparagliding #sport #paramotoring #parachute #photooftheday #soaring #landscape
Photo shared by Marshall Mosher on October 04, 2024 tagging @matt.bansak.photography, @vandoitco, and @go.flare.global. Peut être une image de 1 personne, hélicoptère, kilt, parachute, cerf-volant et texte.
A beautiful Moab sunset flight with @whiskey.throttle1 and @carsonpalmer6 just before heading to Monroe for the @xredrocks. 

#paragliding #parapente #paraglider #paraglidinglife #fly #paraglidinglove #adventure #flying #gopro #nature #parapentes #goparagliding #skydive #sunset #pilot #weloveparagliding #sport #paramotoring #parachute #photooftheday #soaring #landscape
Photo by Marshall Mosher on October 01, 2024. Peut être une image de 4 personnes et nature.
Day 4 of the XRedRocks was my best day yet, flying more than 80K over challenging terrain and landing 3rd in goal! I guess my patched up harness from my bush landing the day before is even faster now! 🤣 So excited to close out this race strong. Thank you @gavinmcclurg for putting on another amazing @xredrocks!

@global_rescue @electrolit @athleticbrewing @garminoutdoor @niviukparagliders @drinklmnt @zealoptics @ushpafreeflight 

#paragliding #parapente #paraglider #paraglidinglife #fly #paraglidinglove #adventure #flying #gopro #nature #parapentes #goparagliding #skydive #sunset #pilot #weloveparagliding #sport #paramotoring #parachute #photooftheday #soaring #landscape
Day three recap of the @xredrocks hike and fly! 

After having one of my best flights of the race the previous day, I was feeling really good and kicked off the day with a great start! But towards the end of the race around the relaunch point, I got some weird sinking air that dropped me straight into a small tree. 

I ripped my harness and tangled my wing on a bunch of branches, but after recovering my gear and assessing the damage, the wing looked undamaged and the harness was repairable with some paragliding rip stop tape. While I decided to end the day after getting out of the tree, I knew it would allow me to get some good rest and give the next day of the race my best!

#paragliding #paraglider #paraglidinglife #adventure #fly #hikeandfly #gopro #raybanmeta
Day 2 of the @xredrocks was incredible! Flew 100k, my longest distance in the race so far, pushing my limits all the way up to 17500 ft and feeling every moment of the adventure. What a ride! 

@global_rescue @electrolit  @athleticbrewing @garminoutdoor @niviukparagliders @drinklmnt @zealoptics @ushpafreeflight 

#paragliding #paragliding #adventure #parapente #paraglidinglife #hikeandfly #paraglidinglove
Day 1 recap of the @xredrocks! Had to hike 15 miles but made it into goal right before sunset!

@xredrocks @global_rescue @electrolit @athleticbrewing @garminoutdoor @niviukparagliders @drinklmnt @zealoptics @ushpafreeflight 

#paragliding #parapente #paraglider #paraglidinglife #fly #paraglidinglove #adventure #flying #gopro #nature #parapentes #goparagliding #skydive #sunset #pilot #weloveparagliding #sport #paramotoring #parachute #photooftheday #soaring #landscape
There are few paragliding flights as unique and exciting as paramotoring through the corona arch in Moab, Utah. It’s been a unique landmark for the aviation community for years with multiple aircraft’s flown through it’s the only large arch not in the national park. Flying through it on the @airitalysrl EPG-21 electric motor with the @go.flare.global moustache 22 was the icing on the cake!

#paragliding #parapente #paraglider #paraglidinglife #fly #paraglidinglove #adventure #flying #gopro #nature #parapentes #goparagliding #skydive #sunset #pilot #weloveparagliding #sport #paramotoring #parachute #photooftheday #soaring #landscape
I’ve always believed that technology, when combined with creativity, can touch the human spirit in ways we never imagined. Recently, I had the privilege to witness this vision come to life in a rather unique way as I flew the latest innovation in he world of ultralight aviation, the new @airitalysrl EPG-21 electric paramotor, over the @robotheartfoundation @anyma sunrise set at Burning Man. It was a breathtaking symbol of the fusion of art and technology, set against one of the most extraordinary backdrops on earth.

Burning Man is a place where people come together to push the boundaries of what’s possible, to imagine, and to create. And for me, being there, soaring over this incredible scene, was a moment of pure inspiration as I realized it’s not just about the machines we build; it’s about how these things make us feel, how they connect us, and how they inspire us to reach higher, to do more, and to be better.

Seeing the robot heart beating in the middle of the desert, surrounded by thousands of passionate people, was a testament to what we can achieve when we let our imaginations run free. It was a reminder that, at the intersection of technology and art, we find the essence of what it means to be human. And that’s the kind of future worth dreaming of. Thank you @nathanmcbride for the incredible footage! 

#burningman #brc #blackrockcity #burningman2024 #paragliding #parapente #paraglider #paraglidinglife #fly #paraglidinglove #adventure #flying #gopro #nature #parapentes #goparagliding #skydive #sunset #pilot #weloveparagliding #sport #paramotoring #parachute #photooftheday #soaring #landscape
Some of the most profound experiences we have in life come from the most unexpected places. 

For the first time this year, I shared a story that was deeply personal to me—taking my dad to Burning Man for the first time and was absolutely floored by the number of people who reached out to tell me how much it inspired them. 

This year, we returned together, and I think it’s safe to say he’s now officially a ‘Burner.’ And let me tell you, that’s not something I ever imagined saying about my dad! 

We haven’t always had the easiest relationship. Like so many father and son stories, ours has been a journey with its fair share of challenges. But finding this connection—this shared experience of exploring the most unique and extraordinary city on Earth—has given us a new way to celebrate our relationship. It’s more than just quality time; it’s been a chance to break down barriers and see each other with fresh eyes. 

In a place where creativity, vulnerability, and authenticity are the currencies of the day, we found a new rhythm together. And I realized that sometimes, the greatest gift you can give someone is your presence—without expectation, without pretense, just pure, unfiltered being. 

So, for everyone out there who’s trying to build or rebuild those important connections in their lives, I hope our story reminds you that it’s never too late to find common ground, even in the most unexpected places. Keep searching for that shared spark, that moment of magic. Because when you find it, it’s truly transformative.

#dad #BurningMan #burnerdads #BurningMan2024 #BurnerLife #BurningManArt #BurningManCulture #BurningManFashion #BurningManExperience #BurningManFestival #BurningManVibes #BurningManPlaya #PlayaLife #BurningManCommunity #RadicalSelfExpression #LeaveNoTrace #blackrockcity
Of all the adventure sports I love, there are few things as exhilarating and unique as @ropeswingmoab !

I always love finding adventures that perfectly balance the line between accessibility and impact, and this is definitely one of those experiences! With zero climbing or rappelling experience, you can feel what it’s like to base jump off a 400-foot cliff near Canyonlands National Park, tied to a rope for one of the most epic swings in the world! 

Thank you, Taylor, Alisha, and Carson, for inviting us to jump with y’all—I can’t wait to be back soon!

@ropeswingmoab @carsonpalmer6 @___alishaw___ @whiskey.throttle1 

#moab #moabadventures #ropeswing #desertadventures #canyon
Kiting my @go.flare.global Line 15m through a dust storm on a landboard for the first time at Burning Man right up to a keyhole that appeared in the dust! I think I just unlocked a new hobby! 🤣 #burningman #kiting #kiteboarding
On my way back from Burning Man, I passed by the biggest sand dune in Nevada, the great Sand Mountain, and decided to see just how much wind the @go.flare.global Line 15m could handle! With 35mph winds, this would normally be quite dangerous, but this unique environment provided the perfect test ground for a high wind turbo-soaring session in a giant soft mountain of sand! 

For the most part I was able to keep the wing under control, but I was glad I had my friend here to jump on it when the wind picked up further and I couldn’t depower it to pack up! 

#paragliding #parapente #paraglider #paraglidinglife #fly #paraglidinglove #adventure #flying #gopro #nature #parapentes #goparagliding #skydive #sunset #pilot #weloveparagliding #sport #paramotoring #parachute #photooftheday #soaring #landscape
Turning dreams into reality flying over 3 sunrises at Burning Man! 🪂 Comment below if you want to join for a tandem next year? 

#burningman #brc #blackrockcity #burningman2024 #paragliding #parapente #paraglider #paraglidinglife #fly #paraglidinglove #adventure #flying #gopro #nature #parapentes #goparagliding #skydive #sunset #pilot #weloveparagliding #sport #paramotoring #parachute #photooftheday #soaring #landscape
Talk about unexpected encounters! While cruising through a sunset PPG session by the trash fence at Burning Man, I found myself being chased by a group of EUC riders cruising right along with me! 

It was such a fun moment since I brought my EUC as well — the kind of magic only the Playa can deliver. You never know who or what you’ll run into out here! ✨

🎥 Sean von Stade @flowtoys

#paragliding #unicycle #euc 

#BurningMan #PlayaMagic #UnicycleChase #SunsetSessions #PowerParagliding #UnexpectedAdventures”
Grateful for the @burningman community and everything it represents.

The friendships and moments of magic we created together will stay with me long after the dust has settled.

Let’s carry that spark forward and keep the fire burning bright, wherever life takes us. Until next time. 🔥

#burningman #paragliding #burningman2024 #burner #paraglidinglife #blackrockcity #brc
If you’re thinking about Burning Man, my suggestion is to find a group of amazing people to bring something epic to life. That’s where the real magic happens. ✨

Last year, being part of the @playalchemist build team was such a special experience. The community we built, and the creativity that flowed through the process made it unforgettable. 

I’ve just submitted my application for Build Team 2025. Who else wants to come build a pyramid in the desert next year??

يشار إلى أن مجمع "أهرامات الجيزة" في مصر هو موقع أثري على هضبة الجيزة في القاهرة الكبرى، يضم كلا من الهرم الأكبر (هرم خوفو) وهرم خفرع وهرم منقرع جنبًا إلى جنب مع المجمعات الهرمية المرتبطة بها وتمثال أبو الهول.

وبنيت هذه الأهرامات جميعها في عهد الأسرة الرابعة للمملكة القديمة في مصر القديمة بين عامي 2600 و2500 قبل الميلاد.

ليست هناك تعليقات:

من أعان ظالما سلط عليه وغدر به وقد يغتاله جسديا بعد إغتياله معنويا هذا ماينطبق على اللبواء هامان الشهيرب #عباس_كامل بعدما أعان #إبن_منيكة نجحت تربية الحواري وعربية كسح المخاري الموسادية إنتصارعاهر بياعة السقط والكرشة وخرابات الجمالية في تأسيس سلالة #عيال_منيكة فيما فشلت فيه الأنجلويهودية سوزان ثابت #إبن_منيكة غدر بجميع من أوصلوه مدنيين كجبهة الخراب وعسكريين كمجلس الزبانية ال١٩ ولكنه لم ولن يأمن غدر الله وغدر الثوار وغدر الكفلاء #إبن_منيكة مفعم بالدونية والضعف والخسة والنذالة لذلك يلجأ للحيلة والتننييم والتبييت والترصد والتغفيل والإشغال والإنقضاض والقسوة والإنتقام بل والإفتراس بلاشفقة #إبن_منيكة الموساد تخطط وهو ينفذ بعدما أصبحنا أمة من المقترضين وقريبا المنقرضين #المصريين_الحمر وسنلقى حتما مصير الهنودالحمر؛ السؤال الصعب،أين الشعب ؟! أيها المصريون لتفهموا ما ينتظركم من مصير أغبر على يد الموسادي #إبن_منيكة إقرأوا سفر الخئون بروتوكولات حكماء بلحون أو سيسيون أمسى #عباس_كامل أضحى #عساس_خامل إعدموا نطف المستعربينصهاينة السيسي فهو من لقن وأمر وأطلق تلفيق عكاشة وخاينة زيادة لتهيئة الرأي العام لتجسيد أساطيرالكتاب المكدس على طريقة كينج سلومون لسرقة عرش المهلكة،وخلق منصب ولي ولي العهد الطيشةحسن محمود رشاد سيتم إزاحته لتولية محمود #إبن_منيكة يغدرب #عباس_كامل آخر عقبة كئود في طريق تأسيس سلالة #عيال_منيكة سبوبة عسكرالإحتلال #جامعةالجلالة أصبحت #قامعةالضلالة #كلب_خوفو #جحش_إبيس عجبت من هؤلاء الذين يستغربون وصول كلب لقمة هرم خوفو ولايستغربون وصول جحش سيسي لقمة عرش مصر!!

 من أعان ظالما سلط عليه وغدر به وقد يغتاله جسديا بعد إغتياله معنويا هذا ماينطبق على اللبواء هامان الشهيرب #عباس_كامل بعدما أعان  #إبن_منيكة ...