الجمعة، أبريل 27، 2018

إحذروا المحتالة النصابة الإندونسية ‏‎Lestari Buana وإلغوا صداقتها فورا Thanks for your response. I want to give this money to the less privileged people, orphans and widows in your country through you and I pray that God will give you a good heart to deal with this project sincerely. I will not be there observing you for this project or knowing how you spend the money, but God will be there to see you, you should take 20% of the total money for your personal use and use the rest to work with charity, please do not let family friends or family cheat you to use all the money for you, because the consequences will be upon you. Please keep this secret until you get the money, do not tell anyone about this money until you receive and save the money, this is my address 215 Ryefield Avenue Hillingdon Uxbridge UB10 9DE, United Kingdom. I want you to send me your personal data, such as (1) Full name: ............. (2) Home address: ............. (3) Email Address: ............... (4) Telephone number: ............. (5) Your identity card or passport. (6) Your occupation Thank you and God bless you while awaiting your immediate response.

إحذروا المحتالة النصابة الإندونسية  ‏‎Lestari Buana وإلغوا صداقتها فورا
    قامت ‏‎Lestari Buana‎‏ بتحديث صورة الغلاف الخاصة بها.
    أعجبنيعرض مزيد من التفاعلات
    سالم القطامي إحذروا المحتالة النصابة الإندونسية ‏‎Lestari Buana وإلغوا صداقتها فورا
    أعجبنيعرض مزيد من التفاعلات
    رددقيقة واحدة
    قامت ‏‎Lestari Buana‎‏ بتحديث صورة ملفها الشخصي.
    أعجبنيعرض مزيد من التفاعلات
    سالم القطامي إحذروا المحتالة النصابة الإندونسية ‏‎Lestari Buana وإلغوا صداقتها فورا
    أعجبنيعرض مزيد من التفاعلات
    رددقيقة واحدة
Thanks for your response. I want to give this money to the less privileged people, orphans and widows in your country through you and I pray that God will give you a good heart to deal with this project sincerely. I will not be there observing you for this project or knowing how you spend the money, but God will be there to see you, you should take 20% of the total money for your personal use and use the rest to work with charity, please do not let family friends or family cheat you to use all the money for you, because the consequences will be upon you. Please keep this secret until you get the money, do not tell anyone about this money until you receive and save the money, this is my address 215 Ryefield Avenue Hillingdon Uxbridge UB10 9DE, United Kingdom. I want you to send me your personal data, such as (1) Full name: ............. (2) Home address: ............. (3) Email Address: ............... (4) Telephone number: ............. (5) Your identity card or passport. (6) Your occupation
Thank you and God bless you while awaiting your immediate response.صورة ‏هزيم الرعد‏.
اللهم انصر الاسلام واعز المسلمين
الأشياء المشتركة
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